Do you have a time in your life that makes you frown when you look back on it? Do you think, “I should have known better. I did know better! How could I have done that or gotten myself into that situation?” And you definitely don't want anyone to know about it! The thought of condemnation makes you shudder! Maybe you still feel trapped in the results of those events.
This is a story based on the Gospel of John, chapter eight, verses one to eleven. She knew better. She was caught and everyone found out about it! They were all ready with fierce condemnation! Except for one person. The One who's law she broke saw her heart and lavished her with mercy and love. He will do that for you, too!
Read it in your Bible, then come and read what she has to say.
I should have known better. A man like him, son of a Pharisee, handsome, smart, with a wife no less, to set his eyes on a nobody like me? It was all too good to be true and I should have sensed an ulterior motive.
But I was young, naive, and hungry for attention. Of course, they knew all that. They picked their target well. All I saw were those soft brown eyes looking into mine. All I heard was the flowery speech that made my heart flutter! Don't get me wrong; I knew what he suggested was forbidden, sinful, and dangerous. But he had a way of using all that to make it more exciting! He said he needed me. No one else had ever needed me. How could I say no? “Don't worry,” he said, “even if we do get caught, my father will make sure I don't get in any trouble.”
Yes, I should have seen it. Of course, he didn't get in trouble! Getting caught was part of his father's plan. It was so humiliating! You can't imagine! I was dragged from our hiding spot in the barn. I had more hay on me than clothing! I'm not sure which was worse, the things they were yelling at me or the victorious tone they were yelling them in. And the smug look of disgust in his eyes confirmed this was all just a setup. It was a game, and I was just a worthless plaything.
They could have brought me straight out the city gates and stoned me then and there, but they had a larger agenda, and my humiliation had only begun. When they finally stopped pulling on my hands, arms, legs, and hair, I found myself in the temple court in front of Jesus and His followers. How I managed to stay on my feet, I don't know, but I was so deeply ashamed I couldn't look into His eyes.
They wanted to rile the crowd and cause a big scene! “This woman has been caught in the very act of adultery!” their leader shouted for all to hear, “Moses commanded us to stone such women; what do you say?”
I expected Jesus to correct them, telling them that Moses commanded both the man and the woman to be stoned and for the argument to go from there. That I would be, even could be, forgiven did not cross my mind. Some men in the crowd had already picked up stones as if they were willing to have their revenge right there in the temple court!
But Jesus didn't argue with them. He didn't quote chapter and verse. He didn't respond at all. He just bent down and started moving the sand at his feet about with His finger. He was writing something. I couldn't see what it was, but some say He was making a list or a ledger. They say He was writing sins and their required punishments. At first, the scribes and Pharisees didn't pay attention and kept after Him to answer. Then He stood, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her” " he said, stooped back down, and continued to write. They say that's when He started adding a column of names corresponding to the laws and required punishments.
I closed my eyes and braced myself. I heard feet shuffling and waited for them to grab me again and drag me to the city walls. I thought of my father, my mother, and my sisters. I began to sob quietly. I knew I'd not only let my family down but also my God and all I believed in and stood for. I was an adulterer. Surely God knew that's not all of who I was, not my entire definition! I was a very foolish young woman who had much to live for. Now, I would die a painful death, leaving nothing but a tarnished name for my family to bear. Although it was too late for this life, I prayed for God to somehow forgive me.
The sound of moving feet was not getting closer to me but farther away. I heard the thud of stones falling back to the ground. Soon, all was quiet. I looked through my tears to see Jesus straightening up from His writing. He looked at me with unspeakable compassion, saying, “Where are they? Did no one condemn you?”
“No one, Lord”, I half-whispered and half-cried.
“I do not condemn you either. Go. From now on, sin no more.”
I felt stunned. A moment ago, I was as good as dead. Now I was set free! My life is given to me. Love overwhelmed me in a way I could never describe!
It all happened years ago. When I look back at that time, I regret my foolishness. But mostly, what I think is the love I knew from Jesus that day. I feel a resurgence of the excitement of a new chance at life and the opportunity to serve the God I used to take for granted indeed. And the people who were there that day, those that know my past? Some still scoff and keep their distance, but they don't bother me. If they think of that awful, wonderful day, let them remember me and the trap I walked into, but mostly, let them remember what Jesus did.
I'm not ashamed to tell my story.
I'm glad to share it with you!
I pray you will realize that whatever trap you may find yourself in, Jesus' love, grace, and mercy also extend to you!