My daughter likes to go to Dunkin Donuts for coffee. She orders a coffee drink with 20 words before we even get to the word coffee or thank you. One morning I had the pleasure of ordering it for her. I probably stumbled over my words, acknowledge my incompetence in what I was saying and the kind Dunkin Donuts employee on the other side of the telecom could hear my doubt in every attempt to order an extra shot and extra swirl of all things coffee related. At the end I said I hope that makes sense and she enthusiastically says over the speaker, Girl I Got You!
I looked at my daughter and with a sigh of relief I said, “YES Brin she’s got us!” I was relieved! Now every time we drive up to the Dunkin Drive Thru I hope she is there. I look forward to her taking our order. I would equate that interaction with her and longing for more with the same expectation of the amazon driver pulling up to your house for the new updated spring outfit you purchased.
Sometimes all we need to hear is a sincere “Girl I Got You!”
On the Podcast this week, Dan and Amy Gill share their redemption story from drugs and alcohol. It is amazing and powerful.
This past weekend in our small group we talked about how we are supposed to bear each other's burdens. Which also translates into we don’t do a good job of that because we don’t want to burden anyone with our cares or prayer requests.
Galatians 6:2 specifically call us to bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Bear means to endure, to carry, to pick up and burden is defined as an oppressively, burdensome, heavy obligation or a difficult concern.
Stay with me. Try not to cut out after this because you don’t like to burden people or because you Got this on your own or even if they knew my struggle they would never be friends with me.
Our conversation on Sunday was good. We spoke of why we don’t want to share with others our concerns, things that have our heart heavy laden. I remember a season of struggling with this when I felt like my concerns were trivial or insignificant in life. Others are dealing with a big boulder in life that was weighing them down. I remember being almost jealous of some ladies in bible study who would ask for prayer for their daughter's wedding dress after a lady would share that her marriage is falling apart. God sees all our burdens!
Some of us are carrying a large boulder on our shoulders, while some are carrying many many pebbles in our shoes but we are going the same pace. Which means what? We need each other!!!
Both the boulder and the pebbles are equally burdensome and give us concern throughout our day. We have to release our pride and allow the law of Christ to be fulfilled, which is the greatest law, to love one another. Just before Galatians 6:2 comes Galatians 5:14 tell us that “For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Remember when Jesus is speaking to his disciples of things to come as He is washing their feet (John 13:34). He inserts quickly that one of them would betray Him but then couches it with, “A New commandment I give to you, that you love one another, just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all my people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” Guess what comes next in John, Jesus tells Peter he will be the one to deny him three times. Not one time but three. It was worse than what he alluded too in verses earlier.
One thing I love about the Gospels is when Jesus decides to give a parable, do a miracle and then throw out a new commandment, or even the greatest commandment. It is filled with so many goodness.
This is not a new revelation, this is revelation now coming from Jesus when spoken in the New Testament by the Messiah Himself, the God Man. (Loving your neighbor as yourself as a fulfillment of the law is also referenced close to 15 more times in the New Testament.)
Jesus is quoting Leviticus 19:18, “You should love yourself as your neighbor, for I am the Lord your God.”
So follow this →→→→→ Sharing your burdens with others is a fulfillment of the Law. Why? Because it allows others to love you well and we all need love. We all need to know that someone is like “Girl I Got You.”
For the one that gets to pray and help carry that burden it gives them a chance to love you effectively and for them to put judgment on tomorrow’s to do list. We can all grow spiritually when we are loved thoroughly.
Gosh I hope you go to Dunkin soon and get to experience her greatness. Or even have a friend tell you, Girl I Got You when you share something with her.
Let’s all keep loving each other well in a give and take way!
Don't forget we are hosting the IF:Gathering this Saturday, April 9th. Come Join us Register Here!